Saturday, February 9, 2008

In theory.........

I'm going to run 13.1 miles in less than 9 hours from now! D'oh! Had a great day at the Expo, hanging out with the gang (Tiff, Bob, Tim R, and Chris) all day, watching the 5K (photos to come later...), eating at Cracker Barrel, and driving part of the race course tomorrow. We saw the hill that is at mile 5-6 (mentioned yesterday). Yoiks. But not as bad as it looked on paper. I will go as much and as far as I can....

We had a great pasta dinner (alfredo angel hair with mushrooms and a cup of minestrone soup) with everyone and also Jared (Flemdawg). I think it was at a place called Petrucelli's. Pretty good! :)

Just about to tuck into bed now (10:30 my time, 9:30 Alabama time). Alarm is set for 4:45!! Sheet!


H said...

In theory? You're going to rock it! :p

mikecnichols said...

I'm glad you did an awesome job on Sunday! Glad you had a fun weekend!